“Spring/Summer 2013 Runway Spectacle: The Latest in Fashion Trends”

Castro’s display is considered one of the most prestigious and talked-about events in the Israeli fashion world. Before we even knew what “Fashion Week” was, these displays were the showcase window of the Israeli fashion industry. Yesterday’s Spring-Summer 2013 display was no exception: the show was glamorous and well-produced, celebrities and fashion industry personnel crowded the red carpet, and the flashes of countless photographers worked overtime. The decoration was perfect and everyone waited anxiously for the four presenters to step onto the runway: Gal Gadot, Yonatan and Gaman, Liraz Dror, and Eriq Mor.

ההזמנה | The invitation

The invitation is a crucial part of any event planning. It sets the tone and expectations for the upcoming occasion. From weddings to birthdays, bar mitzvahs and beyond, the invitation provides guests with all the necessary details they need to attend.

But a great invitation isn’t just informative, it’s also stylish and creative. There are countless options available, from traditional paper invites to digital designs. The key is to choose what will best represent your event and your personal style.

When designing your invitation, make sure to include the basics: the event date, time, and location. You’ll also want to provide any additional information that guests might need, such as dress code or directions. And don’t forget to RSVP!

Ultimately, your invitation should reflect the spirit of your event and get your guests excited to attend. So have fun with the design process and let your creativity shine!

הבק סטייג' | The backstage

The behind-the-scenes area of a performance, commonly referred to as the backstage, is where all the action happens. It’s where the performers prepare for the show, the crew sets up and manages equipment, and the director gives last-minute instructions. This area is typically off-limits to the audience and is hidden from view by curtains or walls. The backstage is a crucial part of any performance, and without it, the show wouldn’t go on.

גל גדות בטאץ' אפים אחרונים | Gal Gadot getting ready for the show

Gal Gadot is preparing for her upcoming appearance with the latest beta versions of the app.

מעצב השיער מאור קידושים מרסס ספריי קסם על השיער של יונתן וגמן | Model Yonathan Wagman get some special treatment

Hairstylist Maor Kidushim sprays a magical spray on the hair of model Yonathan Wagman.

מאסטר מיקי בוגנים בפעולה, השיער של לירז דרור על הפרק | Master Miki Buganim on duty

Master Miki Buganim is hard at work, tackling the challenge of Liraz Dror’s hair.

שביט ויזל חייבת תמונה לאינסטגרם עם הכוכב מאחורי הקלעים | Former Israel beauty queen Shavit Wiesel update her Instagram

Shavit Wiesel, a former beauty queen from Israel, is looking to add a new picture to her Instagram featuring a famous celebrity behind the scenes.

ו..ב-ר-ו-ר שגם אני!! | Israeli comedian Yuval Semo was the attraction backstage

Yuval Semo, an Israeli comedian, stole the show backstage with his humorous antics. First and foremost, I want to express my deep appreciation for the legacy of “Castro” and the people who currently lead it, Gabi and Eti Rotter, for the esteemed position that “Castro” holds as the most popular Israeli fashion brand. The brand offers a readily available and relatively affordable solution to meet the needs of thousands of customers every day, which is no small feat.

כבוד גדול להצטלם עם ה

It was truly an immense privilege to have the opportunity to take a photo with the owners of “Castro” clothing brand – Gabi and Eti Roter.

תפסתי את גל גדות לאתנחתא של שנייה בשיא הטירוף | Beautiful Gal Gadot   me minutes before the show

I caught a glimpse of the stunning Gal Gadot just a moment before the frenzy began.

אני ולירז דרור ממש לפני העלייה למסלול | Liraz Dror   me backstage

Just before heading out on the route, Liraz Dror and I were chilling backstage.

הזוג המלכותי יובל שרף ושלומי שבן מהממים בכניסה לאולם התצוגה | Yuval Scharf and Shlomi Shaban

As the royal couple, Yuval Scharf and Shlomi Shaban, entered the exhibition hall, they looked stunning.

ירדן הראל, לירן כוהנר ורותם סלע דופקות פוזות לצלמים על השטיח האדום | Yarden Harel, Liran Kohener   Rotem Sela on the red carpet

On every season towards the fashion show, I always feel excited and curious to see the collection that a leading fashion brand like “Castro” will present and how it will surprise and innovate. The grand production and buzz surrounding the show gave hopes for a spectacular display, but it fell short and failed to captivate most of the audience who seemed uncomfortable and somewhat bored. After the lights went out and everyone dispersed, we were left with a “safe” collection that didn’t bring anything new. Don’t get me wrong, there were some beautiful items on the runway, but nothing we haven’t seen before, nothing that would make me rush to the nearest Castro store. Now we can only wait for the next show, with excitement and optimism that maybe, finally, Castro will win my heart.

ארבעת המופלאים אריק מור, גל גדות, יונתן וגמן ולירז דרור מציגים: הלוק המטאלי | Fantastic Four go metallic

The Fantastic Four, consisting of Eric Mor, Gal Gadot, Yonatan and Gaman, and Liraz Dror, are showcasing their new metallic look.

הרגע המכונן: הדוגמנים יצאו בפינאלה עם הטלפונים שלהם והחזירו לנו קצת מהפלאשים שהמטרנו עליהם לאורך כל התצוגה | The models catwalk on the finale with cellular phones and take some pictures of us

The Finale Moment: The models strutted down the catwalk holding their phones and snapped a few shots of us, returning some of the flashes we directed at them throughout the entire show.

עם הפרזנטור הכמעט ניצחי יונתן וגמן כמה דקות אחרי התצוגה | The model Yonathan Wagman   me

After the impressive presentation, I caught up with the almost victorious presenter Yonathan Wagman for a quick chat.

השנדליררררר | The chandelier

“The Chandelier” is the title of a piece of writing.

האם אי פעם ראיתם סדר מופתי שכזה?! | The goddie bags

Have you ever seen such an amazing arrangement of gift bags?! | The goodies sacks

תמונת האינסטגרם: מה אתם יודעים?! גם אני חזק בקאטוולק!! תעקבו אחרי:  Me on the runway | elad_zer

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